
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Spiritual Sunday

So Brianna and I have decided that each day would have an assigned day.
Mondays will be fashion day, where we will post something that we have created or what we find and like. Tuesdays will be advice/ tips we give or have learned through out of short lived lives. Wednesdays will be our awkward and awesome moments. Inspried by the amazing Sydney Poulton her blog is found here. Thursdays will be days where I share a story or whatever is on my mind. Watch out my stories can be kind of crazy. Fridays will be where we share fun facts. Saturdays will be Brianna's day to share whatever is on her mind. Last but not least Sundays will be where we share something we have learned at church or something that inspires us.

Today will start our Spiritual Sunday. This weekend our church, (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), listened to prohets and apostles who lead our church. There were many inspiring and uplifting talks.

But that isn't what I want to share. Over the summer Brianna and I attended a Youth Conference, (another church thing) as you will soon find out, our church is the core of who we are and what we believe. Anyways, at one of the classes we attended the teacher showed a video of these two brothers who hated each other. They would constantly agrue and didn't get along. Since they were eight they have been a camera crew has documented their lives. As they reached high school, the brothers had a change of heart and became best friends.

Here is the clip of what we saw over the summer

If you want to know more about them you can also watch this amazing video of a more indepth version of their lives here.

This story makes me want to be a better sister, friend, and person.
My favorite quote in this video is when Luke says "Some people have a journal, but I have my brother." Every time I watch this it really hits home for me. To me it shows that your siblings are the people who are going to be by your side no matter what.
Hope y'all had an amazing weekend!

Love Megs

This video really hit home for me. I have 6 siblings and let me just say, it hasn't been easy. We argue. We fight. We want to kill each other. But as we've grown older, we've grown closer. Being close to your siblings is a very important thing in this crazy world. Satan is trying to break down and destroy families. I have witnessed this in my personal life and I can honestly say that having my siblings to rely on has been a huge blessing to me. They are now my best friends! Just something to think about.

Love ya, Bri

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