
Monday, January 2, 2012


Hey, dudes.

So, I’m not sure if this will actually be posted on Monday like it’s supposed to be.  My computer sometimes doesn’t like me or blogspot and decides to reject my access to the site.  So, we’ll see how this goes.
What up?  I’m Jazmin.  I use the word “so” as a transition word way too much (as you’ve probably already noticed).  I’ve known Brianna for pretty much the entirety of my existence and I’ve known Megan for pretty much the entirety of my adolescence.  Both are amazing individuals, but we are not here to talk about them this week.  I actually don’t know what I’m here to talk about.  Megan graciously asked me to pick a day or two to write a little something for this blog, but she said I was free to talk about whatever floated my boat.  HUGE MISTAKE.  I tend to babble if I’m not given a set length or topic  -- well, I actually babble even if I am given a set length or topic.
I wrote a whole post in a word document and then realized that it was "Fashion Monday" here on Meg and Bri.  Since that happened, we're going to switch things up on this somewhat chilly winter evening...

I have asked many trusted comrades for subjects; few were very helpful.  The one Miss Alexis gave me was the topic of Nerdfighteria.  Yes Nerd-fight-eria.  Nerdfighteria is a community centered around decreasing “world suck” (all things awful in the world, such as poverty, bullying, etc.) and increasing unity no matter what makes us different.  It is not a community that fights against nerds, but fights for nerds.  The creators of the community are brothers, Hank and John Green.  They make videos on their YouTube channel, vlogbrothers, which are usually very insightful, captivating, and kind of hilarious.

The Green brothers have been doing this shin-dig for the past five years and they have inspired and encouraged SO many people just through the internet.  It’s kind of mind-blowing.  I mean they’re just two nerds that initially started making videos as a way to keep in touch for a year, but that evolved to so much more.
Every December they do the Project for Awesome, which is a day dedicated to people in the Nerdfighter community making videos that promote their favorite charities.  In Hank and John's videos they discuss nerdy things like Harry Potter, but they also discuss how we treat one another and how we can make the world less of a crappy and more of an awesome place to live.  And it’s not just for the nerd sitting in a basement on his computer.  It’s a place for anyone and everyone who wants to be engaged in something amazing while their peers are being stupid.  It’s a place that accepts the unaccepted and befriends the loners.  It’s a place where both the varsity basketball star and the school mascot can meet and discuss in harmony.

I have met so many awesome people through this community.  My friends that I had before I got involved in the community have gotten involved with me and it’s kind of been a huge part of our bondingness.  Not only have I made more friends through the community, but I’ve met people that I have admired for a really long time.  YouTubers, authors, musicians – just awesome, awesome people.
I guess this was just a promotion for the reason why I typically stay indoors, but there it is. Whether you nerd out over F. Scott Fitzgerald or you’re just curious as to what the heck I’m talking about, I really encourage you to check out  I'm pretty sure you won't regret it.

I can be found here:

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