I once heard by my oh so wise cousin Linsey that "Beauty is pain, and pain is beauty."
She said this because someone was complaining about when you wear high heels for a while it hurts.
Through out the years I have lived by this. Haha.
Last night I went running because I am
going to be training for a 5k, so by the time I get home (in like 11 weeks!) I can smoke my dad and Whitney! Well... sometimes I forget where I live and think I am back in Florida. Usually the gay weather or something else quickly reminds me of where I am. Ha. This time it was the super steep hills I was trying to conquer. Seriously, I praise the people who make it look easy, because I thought I was going to die. The whole time I was running I was telling myself that this is going to benefit me, and the look on my dad and sister's faces will be priceless :)
Then Kori's roommate Jena and I went to gym to workout on the elliptical for 30 minutes before we went to yoga, advanced yoga. Seeing how I have been to one legit yoga class, and then the rest of my yoga "experience " has been completed on the Wii, it was going to be interesting. But I am always up for the challenge. It was a lot of fun, but we have decided to go to a few beginner classes before we go back to the advanced class.
So, when I woke up I this morning I was so sore in areas that haven't been sore in a very long time. Ha.
So going back to that quote, and my story. In life we go through trials, and things that cause us pain, but if we go through it knowing that we will grow from it and by the end of the trial or hardship there will be something beautiful at the end, like this beautiful temple. One thing I will miss when I leave Idaho, is not being able to live so close to the temple and not being able to see it and it be a grateful reminder to not take take things for granted.
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