
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Tidbit from Kori

So after many months of begging and pleading, I finally agreed to post of Megan and Brianna's blog.
Before I begin, I feel that I should properly introduce myself. My name is Kori Alizabeth Withers. I have brown curly hair, brown eyes, am 5'4", wear size 7 shoe (for the most part), and weigh, let's not bring that up. Sorry y'all, I know you probably don't care about any of that. I guess I just love talking about myself. Haha. Just kidding...well, sort of. Currently I reside in Provo, UT but will be heading up to the Iceberg this coming Friday to go back to school with Megan...
Speaking of Megan, y'all are wondering how I know Meg and Brianna.
Let's see...I grew up going to the same ward as Brianna, though we weren't really friends because we were split up in our Sunday School classes because I have a late birthday. I moved out when I was 8, so time for a growing friendship ceased.
I met Megan on a fateful day in the 7th grade. We had the same pre-Algebra class together though we didn't speak for a month or two. I remember when we truly first met. We were sitting inline waiting to leave the school book fair when Megan pointed at my bracelet and said that she had one too. The bracelet said CTR, and knowing how rare it is to find another Mormon at my school, I said "I don't think so." She said that she did and I asked her what it meant and she told me. I knew then that we'd be best buds. Six years later and look where we are...still best buds.

Before I go on, I feel like I should warn y'all, in case y'all haven't figured this out, I talk a lot! So be prepared to read and read and read, because I have a lot to say!

When I told Megan I would post today, I started freaking out. I have no clue what the people (aka you readers) want to read!

I decided I want to focus on gratitude. We, natural men, rarely remember all of the things and people that we are blessed with. This semester I haven't been in school and have had plenty of time to truly see just how much I blessed.

If I hadn't already learned, family is the biggest blessing we are given.

My sister Megan is the nicest, sweetest, and most righteous person I know. Following right behind her is her husband, Jet. They are the most Christ- like people I know. They do all they can to support me and make sure all of my needs are taken care of. We have so much fun together like making holiday meals together all the while me and Jet have a girl talk time. He's the best!

Did you notice that precious little bundle of joy in Jet's arms? That's Eli, the best babe in all of the land. He was born two days before my birthday, meaning he's my favorite nephew and I'm his favorite Aunt. We do lots and lots together, we even went on a road trip to Cali together. I watch him when I'm not working and Megan is at work or when Meg and Jet just need a night out. He's also the reason it has taken me two hours to write this post, but it doesn't matter if it took 20 hours to write this, because he's Eli and I'd give the world for my little bug.

I'm grateful for my job. I work in the shoe department and it's great! Hopefully, I'll be able to transfer to the Idaho Falls JC Penney. JCP is a great company to work for! They have parties every week, but more importantly, they really care about their employees.

I'm also grateful for Spring time! Being from Florida, I never really have cared much about the season, except Summer and Christmas, yes I know that's not a season, it's a holiday, but you Floridians understand what I'm sayin'. In Utah, the state spends so much money planting flowers after the snow melts and it's so breath taking. As my sister says, it's a great way to understand the Atonement.

I'm grateful for great roommates. Coming into this semester, I was dubious on my living situation but I have come to love these girls with all of my heart. They're seriously some of the best people I have ever met! Alyson is my room-roommate and we just act so silly together and have late night chats, it's the best. Kaitlin is my night owl. When I can't sleep, all I have to do is go into the living room, and there she'll be! These two girls are two of my very best friends!

I'm grateful for my camera. I got this for Christmas and just LOVE it! Without it, these pics of the post would not be here! ;)

Lastly, I'm grateful for Christ. This past Sunday was Easter, a time to especially remember Christ and his sacrifice for men like you and me. Although we have set aside holidays to remember Him, keep Him in your everyday thoughts and actions, emulate His life. He's the only person ever to walk this Earth who knows everything you feel and will love you through anything.

Thanks for reading y'all!
Until next time,

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