So first of all I reread the post from yesterday, and I am so sorry! There were so many spelling errors, so I fixed them. I'm so sorry I didn't catch that the first time. So embarrassing. It was pretty late Sunday when I wrote it, and then I had it set up where it would just automatcially post on its own. I was also watching a documentary so not all of my attention was to my writing.
So yesterday, I said I am going Vegan, which is still true. BUT I decided to do something a little different before I start that. Sunday night my dad started watching this documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. At first I wasn't too keen on wathcing this. Why couldn't we just watch The Office or something.
Sidenote: We have had The Office Marathons like everyday at my house. Saying we like the show is an understatement. Ha.
The documentary is on this guy named Joe, who is from Australia. Joe was very overwieght and had this disease (I think something with his immune system? I can't remember). He wanted to do something about it so he decided to go on a food fast and "juice" all his fruits and vegatables. He came to America so he could be tempted by all of the different kinds of foods we have. Joe also talked to all kinds of people and questioned them about their diets, etc. It was fasniating! By the end of 60 days he looked amazing and had lost 100 pounds!
There was another amazing story about this truck driver named Phill who Joe had met and they found out that they had the same disease. Phill was also over weight. By the end of Phill's story we were all like best friends with Phill and we found ourselves cheering him on by what he was doing and to get his life back in order. At the beginning of his Reboot he weighed 429 lbs, 10 months later he went down to 227 lbs. Seriously it was an amazing story!
I found the video online but if you have Netflix it's on there too. We learned so much from this documentary. So instead of going straight into the Vegan diet, I want to try this first. I am allowing myself to eat ezekiel bread or nuts, but I am trying not too eat the food. I will be trying this for a week. And by next Monday. I will let you know how it goes!
Here is the link for the movie. If you have time watch it, it seriously is super cool!
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